
Modern Day Child Sacrifice

To be blunt…you need to know this so you don’t inadvertently murder your own children, by listening to, and following people who either are ignorant themselves or who don’t have the courage to stand up to the globalists.  In the end, you and your children become the “road kill” and bear the “risk” for decisions made on the basis of greed, power, and  the worship of mammon and Baal.  Don’t become a casualty  or collateral damage in a war by ignorance.

Read the article at Natural News by clicking the link below.

CDC stands for “Child Death Cult” … nationwide child sacrifice ritual disguised as “immunization”

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The Pros And Cons Of Homeschooling

Homeschooling, sometimes called elective homeschooling, is a form of education that allows children to pursue an interest that may not have been considered in the traditional schools. In this way, homeschooling has given people the opportunity to have fun and learn with their kids while having their children attend a learning center. While homeschooling can be a great idea, it can also be challenging.

Homeschooling is not for everybody, but there are those parents who want to do it and there are others who are skeptical about the methods of homeschooling. This article will give you some answers to your questions about homeschooling, whether you want to start homeschooling for the first time or if you are already a homeschooler.

One of the biggest concerns of those who have children and wish to home school them is the idea of being a single parent. If you are already a single mom or dad, then homeschooling may or may not be right for you.   You will have to figure out how to both home school and maintain a work schedule.  If you are not a single parent it may be easier for you to decide whether or not to homeschool if there is another wage-earner in the home.

Another concern about homeschooling is that many parents have worries that homeschooled children may have low self esteem. For a start, most homeschooled children are very intelligent. This means that they are probably more likely to become successful at other subjects as well.   They are not held back by a class that caters to the slowest children.  They can move ahead and learn more than usual.  This means that you don’t need to worry about homeschooled kids becoming failures; there are many who have gone on to great success.

Another important consideration about homeschooling is the social aspect. Homeschoolers are usually a bit more independent than their classmates who get regular education. This means that they have more independence and are also more likely to do something exciting with their spare time. They do not feel like they are in a classroom all day and they don’t feel pressured to do things that are not interesting. They are free to explore and learn about different subjects and their curiosity could lead them to discovering more. than what they were able to learn in a conventional class.  As for meeting other children, often there are home schooling associations that offer group activities for children where children can interact with others.

Another consideration is that homeschooled children tend to be happier. It has been proven that homeschooled kids tend to be happier and healthier than children who have regular school education.  There is less anxiety from their peers and this is something that should be very positive for children as well. Children who are more relaxed and are not nervous to do something new are also less likely to get depressed. Thus, homeschoolers are usually more cheerful and outgoing than their classmates.

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Homeschooling Tips You Can Use With Your Kids

Homeschooling sounds like daunting topic, but it really isn’t all that hard to give your children the education they deserve. If you continue to teach your kids from your home you will be assured that they are learning what you want them to learn. The following article contains helpful advice you can use when you teach your children yourself.

Before making lesson plans, look at your state laws. Different states have different laws pertaining to homeschooling children. You may have to follow state’s way of learning or come up with it on your own. More often than not, it is wise to correlate your homeschooling schedule to the school district’s year.

What are the laws where you live? Though you are in control of your kids, and you can indeed homeschool, you also need to adhere to state and local regulations. Some schools only ask that you make them aware of your plans to homeschool your children. Your child will have to engage in standardized tests as well. Therefore, you can avoid legal situations.

The location of your classroom is important for homeschooling. It should be a comfortable room with no distractions. It must have plenty of space for physical activity and self-expression, while still being suitable for writing and test taking. It is important that you can watch over all of your children while in the classroom.

All your kids need alone time with you and each other. Have one area with toys and crafts so they can play in a selected spot. Your students can help teach them by reading to them or counting with them, too. This way, all the kids will learn something, and the older ones will feel more grown-up and responsible.

Homeschooling means you have to be creative. Educational supplies can be extremely expensive, so try making things yourself. You can make flash cards instead of buying them. Have your kids help you do this for added fun.

Work art projects into topics besides art itself. Children love to color and paint pictures. Let them use their imagination to the full. They can sing, act, sculpt and more! Children learn better when they are completely immersed in their lessons.

Assign your kids household chores or get some help from outside the home. It will be hard to do everything yourself. Trying to maintain a household while teaching is often impossible. Embrace help with open arms. Never feel bad about getting help.

When you homeschool you can take advantage of things that children going to public school do not have the chance to do. You might want to gauge progress by utilizing standardized tests from the state from time to time. You may need to get them a tutor if their scores are lower than the standard.

Give your child opportunities to interact with other kids. You may have to be a bit more creative since he is not at school. Get together with other homeschooling parents and go on a field trip together. Enroll your children in community sports or there may be group activities available with your local home school community.  Find out about your local home school community and see what is available.

Make sure you and your kids don’t get isolated. It is important to network with other homeschoolers in your local area. Talk to support groups or speak with other parents in the same situation as you. Talking to other homeschoolers on a regular basis will help keep you sane.

If you have a kid who is experiencing problems with traditional schools, it may be in their best interest to consider home school. Being in a homeschooled environment can reduce your child’s stress. You will also have more time to spend together. It can be a great way to to take care of bully, bad teacher and distraction problems.

To be effective at homeschooling, you’ll need to be objective. Lots of parents will avoid teaching subjects because they don’t have a good grasp on them. If you skipped some subjects it could seriously harm your child’s education. Hire a tutor, ask a friend for help or seek out your own training to get better at the subject yourself.

Before you start teaching, make sure the kids have eaten so they can focus on the lessons. This can really help your kid have enough focus and energy while they’re learning new things. You will get the full focus in the classroom.

Learning Tool

It can be a great learning tool for your child to keep up a blog. You’re going to teach them to write anyway, and a blog is the perfect learning tool. The initial step is to assist your children in choosing blog subjects they have some interest in, or are passionate about. Once you’ve done this, create the blog, but ensure that its settings are on private. This will allow them to develop the skill of creating a factual article based upon research. Children also enjoy writing imaginative stories to share with the family.

One home schooling option that offers a lot of writing practise with its lessons is this curriculum.

Now that you have more information about home schooling, you should be more confident about actually doing it. Mom or Dad as teacher is excellent, as no one cares more about your kids than you do. With the advice from this article, your children can get a great education at home. They deserve nothing less.

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Families Flee Public Education

Read the article at CBN by clicking the link below.
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How to Build Emotional Resilience as You Make Decisions About Your Future

Growing up is a can be a difficult time. You are learning to be independent. You are trying to find your way.

When you were younger, you probably had friends or relatives who were supportive of you. As you grow, you may encounter failure, or experience negative emotions.

This may happen, for example, if you apply to a certain school or university and don’t get accepted. Or perhaps you don’t have the money to take the next step. This article will help you deal with some of that.

Let’s start with not being able to go to school because of money. Did you know that many community colleges offer the basics that are required at 4-year colleges? Sometimes you can take some of these classes as a senior in high school. Or, even if you go as a Freshman and Sophomore in college, the cost is much less than a 4-year college. You can get basics out of the way for a lot less money.

There are lots of good options at community colleges. There are trades you can learn. You can learn to be a dental hygienist or health care worker. You can learn to be an auto mechanic. There are good paying careers that you can achieve by going through a trade program at a community college. Check them out.

Flexibility and adaptation are undoubtedly two outlooks that help people recover from bad situations. Whereas someone who may feel entrenched in their negative feelings finds it harder to remove themselves from those feelings and change direction, those who are willing to see emotions as things that grip them tighter the more they focus on them, and understand how to let go and change direction quickly, come out on top.

If your first pathway does not work out, consider your options.

In a way, emotions are like quicksand or Chinese finger traps.

By seeing negative events in your life as flexible, short term situations, you can more easily move on. Let’s imagine someone who sees these negative events as a fixed point in space and time (pardon the sci-fi speak, but this does make sense). To them, that disappointment they felt with themselves or that failure they felt, is a fixed point in their life. It’s always there. Nothing they can do will change that fact that there is failure and disappointment in their lives.

Those who view situations as being temporary, will be more likely to see the same situation as a speed bump in Life’s rear view mirror.

So what can you do to help you adopt this outlook?

Ever poured paint or bleach into a bucket of water? That’s how negative people think. When one bad thing enters their life, it starts to spread and color everything else. They may well have been the life and soul of the party until that point, but now everything is just a mess!

Just because you don’t get something done the first time doesn’t mean you won’t get it done at another point in the future. Stop. Consider the next best step or options. Move ahead one step at a time.

Sometimes, looking back, we can see that God was blocking a pathway because there was a better pathway available.

This is where the Christian, the child of God has another option. A Christian can pray and ask God why something is not working out and what to do about it.

James 1:5 If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you. 6 But when you ask, you must believe and not doubt, because the one who doubts is like a wave of the sea, blown and tossed by the wind. 7 That person should not expect to receive anything from the Lord. 8 Such a person is double-minded and unstable in all they do.

Jesus did not say that Christians would not have problems.

John 16:33 I have told you these things, that in me you may have peace. In the world you have trouble; but cheer up! I have overcome the world.”

Christians can go to God and pour out their hearts to him.

Psalm 62:8 Trust in him at all times, you people. Pour out your heart before him. God is a refuge for us. Selah.

But first, someone must be born again to establish a connection with God. That connection was broken in the garden when Adam and Eve sinnned and from then on, the broken connection was passed down to all mankind. Jesus made a way to re-establish connection with God.

Romans 10:9 that if you will confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. 10 For with the heart, one believes resulting in righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made resulting in salvation.

How come some people give up and cry into a bottle, while others just pick themselves up, dust themselves off and carry on as if nothing happened? A big part of it can be a person’s relationship to God and obedience to the Word of God.

If you establish a relationship with God, He can help you deal with problems and build emotional resilience.

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