Ron Paul

It Matters Where You Go to College

Definitely it matters where you go to college.

If you are looking for a solid education, here are some great possibilities.

  • Hillsdale College
  • Liberty University
  • Regent University
  • Oral Roberts University

If you are looking for a good pre-college course, consider the Ron Paul Curriculum.  

Click the link to learn more.

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“Working With Your Hands” – “Learning a Skill That’s in Demand”

This conversation by Mike Rowe is a good one for you and your older children to watch. Mike Rowe has a foundation with “sweat equity” scholarships.  Skilled professionals who keep roads, plumbing, electrical, housing up and running can find jobs that can pay well.  These are good professions for those who like to work with their hands and not sit at a desk job.

Here is a related blog post about a brother and sister who started an earth-moving company after graduating with the Ron Paul Curriculum.  The video is definitely worth watching.  Click here to view it.

Here is a post about a business class taught through the Ron Paul curriculum.

These things are being posted to show that there are other possibilities for learning and moving into a profession.

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Music, Foreign Language Studies and other “Extras” in Home School

playing piano

If you are thinking about home schooling, look at the links in the right hand column for possible options.

Also do a search on this site for the Ron Paul Curriculum. It is one that is more “hands off” for the teaching parent, and this may be appropriate for some situations.

The purpose of this article is to talk about some classes that might not be covered in a regular curriculum.

These are classes like foreign languages, art, music, dance, shop classes, religious training and other “non-book” classes.

Here are the ways you can cover some of those classes.

You probably already know the answer yourself, but in today’s world, there are all sorts of things that are taught online. Foreign languages. Playing a guitar. Playing a piano. Religious classes. It is a matter of seeking them out.

Plus, and this has been mentioned before in other articles, if you get together with a home school coop, you can join forces. A mom who is good in sewing can teach sewing. Other moms can teach other skills such as cooking or how to keep a house clean and do laundry.

You can teach practical skills. A dad or uncle or grandpa can teach how to change a tire or carpentry or other mechanical basics. Someone with a home garden can teach gardening or how to take care of chickens.

The sky is the limit. Just find people with gifts and talents and set up a school schedule. You can do some teaching at home. You can do some teaching in group classes.

All this is in addition to reading, writing, math, science, and history. You can fill in the gaps of a curriculum that you like by being creative and finding ways to teach some things not taught in the particular curriculum. All curriculums have their strengths and focuses. This is talking about filling in any gaps.

You can combine curriculums if you want.

As mentioned before, there are official home school groups that help people to get up to speed in home schooling. With the internet, you can learn from groups all over the country. Find the group in your state. Learn any legalities about home schooling in your state. Get on their email list.

Generally, these groups have some group activities planned, such as a sports event at a church that has a basketball court or a sports event to a local skating rink. They can plan field trips to a zoo or science museum.

You do not have to do it alone in homeschooling. Do internet searches. Reach out and find other like-minded people. Find curriculums that work for your situation. Let people blossom and use their gifts and talents and your children can learn so much more than in a public setting. Find people locally and work with them or find online classes to “fill in the gaps” of what you want your child to learn.

You know your child’s interests and skills. You can help your child blossom by trying to find training that they would not get at a public school.

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John Adams

When you listen to the quality of character that existed at the time of the founding of this nation, you can see how far those who involve themselves in Government, as well as the media, have fallen.

It is a known fact that the education system, including the study of history, has been taken over by the progressives. The exception may be some private, religious, or home schools, but definitely history through public education, as well as at the university level, has been taken over by marxist forces or some kind of “progressive”, secular force.

What is the option? The option is to homeschool through The Ron Paul Curriculum. This is not only a fine education, but it also prepares the student to work independently. It also gives the student a chance to learn about running his or her own business (this is in the higher grades). It also teaches how to get a college degree economically.

If you are struggling, looking for a good solution for education, take some time and really study their website and what they have to offer. At the very least, you will come away enriched for having spent some time at the site.

Click here to learn more.

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