Repost from TheGatewayPundit

Alabama Senator Tommy Tuberville Warns “We Are Losing Our Kids to a Satanic Cult – They’ve Basically Taken God Out of Everything”


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Repost from TheGatewayPundit re: School Shutdowns

Vigilant Fox: Dr. Phil GOES OFF on the CDC: “You Damn Well Knew What You Were Doing When You Did It” (Video)

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Check Those Library Books

Repost from TheGatewayPundit:

Librarians Admit They Hid LGBT Promotions from Parents

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Advice for 20-year olds

A portion of the interview with Victor Davis Hanson | The Dying Citizen



“Working With Your Hands” – “Learning a Skill That’s in Demand”


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Repost from TheGatewayPundit re: Michigan Home Schools

Michigan State Board Members Warn State Homeschool Registration List is a Precursor to “Unwarranted Home Entry”

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