
A Leaky Attention Span Can Benefit You in the Long Run When You Home School


If you have a short attention span, you’ve probably always considered it to be one of your drawbacks. It makes it difficult for you to focus on the task at hand.

However, it does have its benefits, though it is mostly going to help you in the long run, not in the short term. A leaky attention span can help you come up with greater creative ideas over time, allowing you to return to them when you have the time to dedicate to them.

You may get an idea for a project or notice a home school website that might help or see a book that it might be good for your child to read.  There are all sorts of distractions that might come your way.  You might even see a sale on school supplies you need.  Stay focused.  Write the idea down and keep moving on in your day.

Those who are more easily distracted have been shown to be more creative in a number of studies. The problem is, you can’t be creative all the time and still get home school done.  You need to have time to be creative, but most of your time is likely spent doing physical work or work that’s bringing home school ideas to life instead of making new ideas.   Focus first on bringing your old ideas to fruition.

The workaround here is to have a system set up for quickly logging your ideas that pop into your mind so that you can return to them later, and spend time focusing on the task at hand in the present.


You could use something as simple as a little notepad with a pen. Anytime you’re working and get pulled off track by an idea, quickly jot it down and you can return to it later when you have time.

You’d be surprised at how much you continue to be distracted by ideas just because you don’t want to forget them. Once you know they’re written down and can be returned to later on, you can return to focusing on what you’re doing.

It’s beneficial to have all of these little ideas stored away, because at some point you might try to brainstorm something to work on, and you might not have anything coming to mind. Then, you can reference your notebook and use one of those little sparks of imagination to fuel a whole new project that you might’ve otherwise forgotten.

By keeping tabs on your overactive imagination like this, you retain all of those smaller sparks of creativity that can blossom into wonderful, big  home school projects – while still working diligently to bring existing ideas to fruition.


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How Accountability Can Help You with Self Discipline When Home Schooling

When you are homeschooling, you are it. You are the teacher. You are the administrator. You are the disciplinarian. You are everything to your children.

It may seem like a big leap.

Many people think self-discipline means doing it all on your own, but it does not mean that at all. You might find that having an accountability partner can really help you to develop more discipline.

This might be your spouse. Or it might be another homeschooling mom with whom you team tag. If you are close, you might spell each other in which classes to teach. Otherwise, you might stay in touch vituallty.

Homeschooling takes time so you should consider passing some household tasks onto the children. Of course, the tasks should be suitable for their ages. A younger child can put away toys. An older child can help with dishes or laundry.

Having a jobs chart holds everyone accountable.

It is far easier to give in and be less disciplined when you just have yourself in the picture. When you have a person or chart to hold you accountable though, you are far more likely to make sure it happens.

An accountability partner is someone you set up a contract with to hold each other accountable for reaching goals. This is a mutual pact and is probably the easiest to set up. The goals do not have to be the same ones, the point is to connect on a regular basis, often once a week, and share with each other how much you have accomplished.

You may prefer joining a group. Often there are homeschooling groups or associations you can join to help you learn about homeschooling and to share resources. Sometimes people will sell used curriculums. When you run across an obstacle, the group can help brainstorm ideas to help you out. Two heads may be better than one, but sometimes multiple heads are much better than just two.


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Learn How Successful People Deal with Adversity


Throughout your home school junction, it is beneficial to read biographies and autobiographies. These are real stories by of real people. They tell not only their successes, but also how they overcame adversities.

Did you know that successful people deal with adversity? It’s true. If you read the stories or profiles of most successful people, you will be surprised at just how adverse their situations were. They often tell the stories for others to learn and use to overcome adversity.

You should read the profiles of successful people. They contain gems of information and can act as a resource for everyone else. The story is one aspect of reading about them. However, how they dealt with the situations is often a source of inspiration. When you become inspired, you increase your chances of dealing with your problems.

Inspiration doesn’t last forever, unfortunately. You need to reinforce the message. If you can, try to set aside time to read one story of a successful person every month. It will help you with your inspiration, and it will feed ideas on how to use their stories to make your life easier or better.

The stories of some people are dated. However, their techniques may be timeless. A perfect example of this is Dale Carnegie’s How to Win Friends and Influence People. The stories themselves describe people and occupations of days long gone. But, his techniques are as valid today as they were back then.

Reading the stories of successful people shows that they are just like the rest of us. There isn’t anything superhuman about them that led them to their successes. You will find a common theme among those facing adversity. They had persistence and kept a positive attitude. Those two attributes will take you far when facing any situation.

You can choose to read stories online or find material in your local library. You can also choose to find stories on the internet. Be careful of the resources you find online. Anyone can publish whatever they like and sound convincing on their authority.

Make sure you check the resources and keep a critical eye out for people who don’t present qualified information.
When you get in the habit of reading material of successful people, you will shift to a successful mindset yourself. You will have a memory bank of stories to draw inspiration.

You don’t have time in life to learn everything first hand. Learn from others about success, about failure and how they overcame it, and how they overcame adversity. These lessons will prove valuable for your own life.

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How to Set a Goal Successfully


Goal setting and planning are the two essential factors to get the results you desire. Making up your mind is the primary step when you want to achieve something. You may work hard throughout the day, but if you do not have the focus, that end goal, all your hard work goes to waste. Even though you can find many resources over the Internet on how to set a goal, but it is personal experience that teaches you better than any books or resources. However, here are some general tips on how to set a goal that will help you to some extent.

First, you have to be an optimistic person to achieve your goal. You have to hope for the positive and keep faith in youself. If you have any doubts, write them down in a piece of paper and try to come to a solution. If you cannot find the solution yourself, then take help of close ones or those who have expertise in the niche.

Second, you have to visualize your wanting. Visualizations can instill confidence in youself and only then you will have the “Go and Get it” attitude. Visualizations bring you closer to your wanting. You also need to visualize your steps in order to get the desired results. Analyze the risks involved in the tasks as well as the benefits involved. You must know the ratio between the benefit and risk.

Third, jot down your goals on a piece of paper. You must write both your short-term goals as well as long-term goals. For example, if you want to complete a certain task tomorrow, write that down and write the goal you have set after a year. Write everything in a proper table format. A haphazard writing will make you more confused in your daily life and you will end up diverted from your goal. Therefore, write down everything neatly so that anyone can understand by just looking at it.

Finally, take action. Only if you set the goal without taking any action, it leads nowhere. Hence, take the actions that will make you reach closer towards your goal. Think positively and take positive steps. However, before taking any step, analyze the situation once again as to whether that step is appropriate or not.

To top it all, enjoy the work you do while reaching towards your goal. That way you will not feel the pressure and even reach your goal happily.

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Set a Goal to Get the Desired Results

Many people want to achieve success without putting in any effort. They may appear to succeed for a short time, but on the long run, they are bound to fail. One can only achieve success by sheer hard work.

Setting a goal in life is essential for a person who wants to be successful in life. To be successful in life, first you have to set your priorities straight. You need to know exactly what tasks are more important in view of your goals. After you set your priorities, chalk out a time table where you can write down the daily goals you need to accomplish. This will make you more systematic in achieving those.

Next, focus on each task as it is in front of you. Generally, you lose focus on a task if you work on it for long hours. It is not your fault, it is a habit of human beings or we can say that it is a state of human brain. Therefore, it is advisable to take short breaks in between the tasks to keep your brain focused on the task.   Do not keep tasks pending, as when they pile up, you tend to divert from the goal.  You can get overwhelmed and end up doing nothing.  Prioritize tasks and do them.

Take action. This is a very important factor to get the desired results or achieve success in life. If you fear to take any risks or actions, then you may divert from the goal that you set. To achieve success, you have to undertake certain risks at times. If you undertake the risk and do not succeed,  do not do what some people do…they lose all hope and move into a depression state. However, you must always have the faith in yourself to do better next time. In addition, when undertaking a risk, keep a second back up plan if you do not succeed.

Thus, reaching your goal is all about planning and action. It is easy to get the desired results if you have a proper plan to execute. Set your eyes and heart for something to get it. The craving from the heart helps you know what direction to go…as long as it is a good and healthy and righteous desire.  Therefore, it is imperative to listen to your inner voice as you seek to achieve the desired results.

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