
Religious Exemption Documents

Of great concern to many people (this is being written in 2021) is the jab being forced on people if they want to keep their job or go to college.

Here are some religious exemption documents, courtesy of Gab.  Click on the link and download the documents.

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John Adams

When you listen to the quality of character that existed at the time of the founding of this nation, you can see how far those who involve themselves in Government, as well as the media, have fallen.

It is a known fact that the education system, including the study of history, has been taken over by the progressives. The exception may be some private, religious, or home schools, but definitely history through public education, as well as at the university level, has been taken over by marxist forces or some kind of “progressive”, secular force.

What is the option? The option is to homeschool through The Ron Paul Curriculum. This is not only a fine education, but it also prepares the student to work independently. It also gives the student a chance to learn about running his or her own business (this is in the higher grades). It also teaches how to get a college degree economically.

If you are struggling, looking for a good solution for education, take some time and really study their website and what they have to offer. At the very least, you will come away enriched for having spent some time at the site.

Click here to learn more.

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How Was the Bible Used in Early Public Schools?

Read this article. It contains a lot of information.

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How to Set a Goal Successfully


Goal setting and planning are the two essential factors to get the results you desire. Making up your mind is the primary step when you want to achieve something. You may work hard throughout the day, but if you do not have the focus, that end goal, all your hard work goes to waste. Even though you can find many resources over the Internet on how to set a goal, but it is personal experience that teaches you better than any books or resources. However, here are some general tips on how to set a goal that will help you to some extent.

First, you have to be an optimistic person to achieve your goal. You have to hope for the positive and keep faith in youself. If you have any doubts, write them down in a piece of paper and try to come to a solution. If you cannot find the solution yourself, then take help of close ones or those who have expertise in the niche.

Second, you have to visualize your wanting. Visualizations can instill confidence in youself and only then you will have the “Go and Get it” attitude. Visualizations bring you closer to your wanting. You also need to visualize your steps in order to get the desired results. Analyze the risks involved in the tasks as well as the benefits involved. You must know the ratio between the benefit and risk.

Third, jot down your goals on a piece of paper. You must write both your short-term goals as well as long-term goals. For example, if you want to complete a certain task tomorrow, write that down and write the goal you have set after a year. Write everything in a proper table format. A haphazard writing will make you more confused in your daily life and you will end up diverted from your goal. Therefore, write down everything neatly so that anyone can understand by just looking at it.

Finally, take action. Only if you set the goal without taking any action, it leads nowhere. Hence, take the actions that will make you reach closer towards your goal. Think positively and take positive steps. However, before taking any step, analyze the situation once again as to whether that step is appropriate or not.

To top it all, enjoy the work you do while reaching towards your goal. That way you will not feel the pressure and even reach your goal happily.

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Set a Goal to Get the Desired Results

Many people want to achieve success without putting in any effort. They may appear to succeed for a short time, but on the long run, they are bound to fail. One can only achieve success by sheer hard work.

Setting a goal in life is essential for a person who wants to be successful in life. To be successful in life, first you have to set your priorities straight. You need to know exactly what tasks are more important in view of your goals. After you set your priorities, chalk out a time table where you can write down the daily goals you need to accomplish. This will make you more systematic in achieving those.

Next, focus on each task as it is in front of you. Generally, you lose focus on a task if you work on it for long hours. It is not your fault, it is a habit of human beings or we can say that it is a state of human brain. Therefore, it is advisable to take short breaks in between the tasks to keep your brain focused on the task.   Do not keep tasks pending, as when they pile up, you tend to divert from the goal.  You can get overwhelmed and end up doing nothing.  Prioritize tasks and do them.

Take action. This is a very important factor to get the desired results or achieve success in life. If you fear to take any risks or actions, then you may divert from the goal that you set. To achieve success, you have to undertake certain risks at times. If you undertake the risk and do not succeed,  do not do what some people do…they lose all hope and move into a depression state. However, you must always have the faith in yourself to do better next time. In addition, when undertaking a risk, keep a second back up plan if you do not succeed.

Thus, reaching your goal is all about planning and action. It is easy to get the desired results if you have a proper plan to execute. Set your eyes and heart for something to get it. The craving from the heart helps you know what direction to go…as long as it is a good and healthy and righteous desire.  Therefore, it is imperative to listen to your inner voice as you seek to achieve the desired results.

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