
Christian Home Schooling Program: A Popular Concept in the US

Home schooling is getting more and more popular since parents and children are becoming aware of the benefits of this concept and the freedom of the curriculum one enjoys in home schooling their children. Though home schooling was prevalent decades back, and many of our celebrated leaders and scientists had their schooling at home and attained phenomenal success, the concept was accepted with a grain of salt due to the inherent reservations in the home schooling program.

This was the reason for the outlawing of many home schooling programs in the past. Over a period of time, home schooling has received wider acceptability and more and more parents prefer their children to get home schooled at least for some period of their educational lives.

Things have completely changed.  Due to the lockdowns, many children were forced to the homes.  And, even though schools have reopened, due to parents learning about certain things taught in the schools, such as CRT, in some cases, parents are either resisting at school boards or deciding to continue on with home school.

Christian Home Schooling Program – An Overview

One of the major reasons for home schooling is the religious consideration. Religious education is not imparted to the students at public schools and many have found it necessary to depend either on private schools or home schooling. A Christian home schooling program is the result of such a need.

Today, Christian home schooling is very popular in the United States and there are a number of agencies that cater to the needs of the Christian home schoolers whether in matters of curriculum, social get togethers, or guidance in the respect of home schooling. Christian home schooling program options and organizations are offering the service at affordable costs and some are promotional in nature.

The advent of the Internet and the visual media has really revolutionized home schooling and many Christian home schooling organizations are offering DVDs and other educational aids at cheaper costs, and one can make use of the vast experience and collective wisdom of these organizations. Christian home schooling program options help a child to get initiated in the right direction and help them become responsible citizens of tomorrow.

The advantages of a Christian home schooling program does not end up in the educational curriculum of one’s choice, but also education becomes comparatively less costly and one is also free from the modern day violence and vandalisms of the schools and the attention the parents can give to the child in making and molding the child cannot be overemphasized.

The various organizations and online Christian home schooling program sites and organizations, provide free curriculum, distance religious education material, and offer many forums for discussion and exchange of information on related matters with Christian home schooling program. One only needs to spend a few hours on the Internet or consult an organization to get first hand information on the subject.

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A Science Lesson By a Real Scientist

This “Don’t Look Up!” movie review by a real scientist, Mike Adams, has a lot of scientific, as well as political, information in it.



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Repost: Covid tyranny linked to 23% decline in children’s cognitive abilities: STUDY

Read the article here at Natural News.

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Creation Colleges

God creates Adam

Here is a link to a list that compiled the names of Colleges that teach Creation.

Why is this important?

All of the Bible, and Western Civilization, hangs upon the fact of whether or not man was created or whether mankind evolved from a blob of living matter.

If Man [“Man” or “Mankind” includes men and women in the generic sense, traditionally, prior to English gramatical changes, “man” referred to mankind in general] is a created by God, in the image of God (which he is), the each man or woman or child is answerable to the God who created them. And we know that this God has given us information on how to find Him, on how to be born again into His Kingdom, and how to live, both personally and nationally. That guidance is in the Bible.

Western Civilization was built on the principles called the Judeo/Christian principles.

To deny the existence of God, the existence of a Creator, and the existence of communication from that Creator to mankind (in the Bible) is to rip the foundations of Western Civilization and revert to an ananarchial, dog-eat-dog, shark-eat-victim, survival-of-the-fittest (even if the “fittest” are lawbreakers and murderers), law-of-the-jungle type of existence.

If man was created from slime, then by implication, there is no moral order, and no one to answer to, no conscience to obey, no Creator to obey.

Yes, to believe that man is created by the Lord God of the Bible is very important.

Man is created in the image of God. Therefore, it is important to go to a college that teaches that.

A college that does not teach creationism very likely is subject to teaching atheistic marxism as well.

So consider carefully your choices.

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Music, Foreign Language Studies and other “Extras” in Home School

playing piano

If you are thinking about home schooling, look at the links in the right hand column for possible options.

Also do a search on this site for the Ron Paul Curriculum. It is one that is more “hands off” for the teaching parent, and this may be appropriate for some situations.

The purpose of this article is to talk about some classes that might not be covered in a regular curriculum.

These are classes like foreign languages, art, music, dance, shop classes, religious training and other “non-book” classes.

Here are the ways you can cover some of those classes.

You probably already know the answer yourself, but in today’s world, there are all sorts of things that are taught online. Foreign languages. Playing a guitar. Playing a piano. Religious classes. It is a matter of seeking them out.

Plus, and this has been mentioned before in other articles, if you get together with a home school coop, you can join forces. A mom who is good in sewing can teach sewing. Other moms can teach other skills such as cooking or how to keep a house clean and do laundry.

You can teach practical skills. A dad or uncle or grandpa can teach how to change a tire or carpentry or other mechanical basics. Someone with a home garden can teach gardening or how to take care of chickens.

The sky is the limit. Just find people with gifts and talents and set up a school schedule. You can do some teaching at home. You can do some teaching in group classes.

All this is in addition to reading, writing, math, science, and history. You can fill in the gaps of a curriculum that you like by being creative and finding ways to teach some things not taught in the particular curriculum. All curriculums have their strengths and focuses. This is talking about filling in any gaps.

You can combine curriculums if you want.

As mentioned before, there are official home school groups that help people to get up to speed in home schooling. With the internet, you can learn from groups all over the country. Find the group in your state. Learn any legalities about home schooling in your state. Get on their email list.

Generally, these groups have some group activities planned, such as a sports event at a church that has a basketball court or a sports event to a local skating rink. They can plan field trips to a zoo or science museum.

You do not have to do it alone in homeschooling. Do internet searches. Reach out and find other like-minded people. Find curriculums that work for your situation. Let people blossom and use their gifts and talents and your children can learn so much more than in a public setting. Find people locally and work with them or find online classes to “fill in the gaps” of what you want your child to learn.

You know your child’s interests and skills. You can help your child blossom by trying to find training that they would not get at a public school.

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