
Repost: Jonathan Cahn: Unveiling God’s Patterns of Work in Our History

Watch the video on YouTube.
It is 22:22, but worth taking the time to view it.






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Interested in Meteorology?

If your child is interested in meteorology, it is necessary to understand that the whole truth is not being told about the weather.

As with many professions in today’s environment, professionals come to a point where they have to decide whether to go with a lie to keep a paycheck or position, or tell the truth and risk losing both.

Go into professions with eyes wide open, aware of moral challenges and tests of character that may be ahead.

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Government and History

“Learning, character, faith and freedom”


Character, morals, and solid foundations in the Constitution and freedom are invaluable for those aspiring to government or media careers or service.


This is what happens when there is no correct foundation of character in those who misuse power.

HE HAS THE PROOF: DC Gulag Political Prisoner and Decorated Army Special Forces Soldier Jeffrey McKellop Reveals Extent of Government Agents at J6 Capitol Protest – IT WAS A COMPLETE SET-UP! (Audio)


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Repost: Last day—here’s what our cast had to say!

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Realistic Thinking in the Realm of Energy

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In this article, comparisons are made between hydrocarbon (oil) energy and green energy (solar, wind, and electric). It is important to realize how unsustainable green energy is in meeting energy demands. It is also worth knowing so that someone does not take a misguided venture into focusing on energy sources that are unable to meet the demands of modern energy requirements.

Click here to read the article.



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