
Tips on Goal Setting

One thing you will have to do when homeschooling is set goals and schedules.  In order to get the results you desire, you need to continue to improve in this area.  Here are some tips and strategies that you can apply to set your goals and get the desired results.

In order to achieve your goals, you must visualize your dreams and goals. Dreaming about your goals will give you the willingness to work towards those goals. Generally, a person who does not dream has no goals in their life. Therefore, dreaming is the start of your realization to your goals.  What are your dreams and inspirations for your children and your family and your homeschool.

Think of the steps you can take in order to achieve your goal. Consulting others might help you a little, but ultimately you know yourself best.  You know your interests and talents best.   You know your family best.   You have to make the final decisions and responsibilities about what curriculum you will use and how your will run your homeschool.  Others can give suggestions based on their outer knowledge of you, but only you know what is truly suitable for you and your family.

Next, do not promise anyone but yourself that you will achieve those goals when you have found the right way to start. Promising others often leads to breaking of promises, but if you promise yourself, then your inner voice constantly reminds you of the promise.

After promising, sketch out a timetable that you wish to follow. However, it is advisable to change the routine when boredom sets in. Changing timetables will give you more energy and a new outlook to start afresh with a positive mind. Moreover, changing timetables also lets you examine your previous faults and find a better way.

The timetable should also reflect the time you are taking in doing a certain work. Say, if the timetable says that you have to complete a unit of any subject in 30 days, then do it, be true to your schedule. Time is an important factor in achieving desired results.

Think of innovative ideas to make your goal achievement process easier. Innovative methods will also give you energy to complete tasks.

Stay optimistic regarding your dreams. Optimism plays an important role in getting results. The more optimistic you are, the faster you are likely to reach your goals. An optimistic attitude motivates you to get the desired results and shows you the right way to success.

Finally, be dedicated to the work you do. Dedication can bring a lot of accuracy to your work and make it perfect.  You must firmly choose your goals and work towards them in a steady, consistent, disciplined way.


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It Matters Where You Go to College

Definitely it matters where you go to college.

If you are looking for a solid education, here are some great possibilities.

  • Hillsdale College
  • Liberty University
  • Regent University
  • Oral Roberts University

If you are looking for a good pre-college course, consider the Ron Paul Curriculum.  

Click the link to learn more.

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“Working With Your Hands” – “Learning a Skill That’s in Demand”

This conversation by Mike Rowe is a good one for you and your older children to watch. Mike Rowe has a foundation with “sweat equity” scholarships.  Skilled professionals who keep roads, plumbing, electrical, housing up and running can find jobs that can pay well.  These are good professions for those who like to work with their hands and not sit at a desk job.

Here is a related blog post about a brother and sister who started an earth-moving company after graduating with the Ron Paul Curriculum.  The video is definitely worth watching.  Click here to view it.

Here is a post about a business class taught through the Ron Paul curriculum.

These things are being posted to show that there are other possibilities for learning and moving into a profession.

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Christian Home Schooling Program: A Popular Concept in the US

Home schooling is getting more and more popular since parents and children are becoming aware of the benefits of this concept and the freedom of the curriculum one enjoys in home schooling their children. Though home schooling was prevalent decades back, and many of our celebrated leaders and scientists had their schooling at home and attained phenomenal success, the concept was accepted with a grain of salt due to the inherent reservations in the home schooling program.

This was the reason for the outlawing of many home schooling programs in the past. Over a period of time, home schooling has received wider acceptability and more and more parents prefer their children to get home schooled at least for some period of their educational lives.

Things have completely changed.  Due to the lockdowns, many children were forced to the homes.  And, even though schools have reopened, due to parents learning about certain things taught in the schools, such as CRT, in some cases, parents are either resisting at school boards or deciding to continue on with home school.

Christian Home Schooling Program – An Overview

One of the major reasons for home schooling is the religious consideration. Religious education is not imparted to the students at public schools and many have found it necessary to depend either on private schools or home schooling. A Christian home schooling program is the result of such a need.

Today, Christian home schooling is very popular in the United States and there are a number of agencies that cater to the needs of the Christian home schoolers whether in matters of curriculum, social get togethers, or guidance in the respect of home schooling. Christian home schooling program options and organizations are offering the service at affordable costs and some are promotional in nature.

The advent of the Internet and the visual media has really revolutionized home schooling and many Christian home schooling organizations are offering DVDs and other educational aids at cheaper costs, and one can make use of the vast experience and collective wisdom of these organizations. Christian home schooling program options help a child to get initiated in the right direction and help them become responsible citizens of tomorrow.

The advantages of a Christian home schooling program does not end up in the educational curriculum of one’s choice, but also education becomes comparatively less costly and one is also free from the modern day violence and vandalisms of the schools and the attention the parents can give to the child in making and molding the child cannot be overemphasized.

The various organizations and online Christian home schooling program sites and organizations, provide free curriculum, distance religious education material, and offer many forums for discussion and exchange of information on related matters with Christian home schooling program. One only needs to spend a few hours on the Internet or consult an organization to get first hand information on the subject.

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A Science Lesson By a Real Scientist

This “Don’t Look Up!” movie review by a real scientist, Mike Adams, has a lot of scientific, as well as political, information in it.



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