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Repost: After Death | Official Trailer | Angel Studios

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Repost: Christian Colleges

This has been published before but since there are new visitors and the information is still relevant, it is being reposted for those who missed the post the first time round.


People attend college to attain particular skills for a future profession.

If you are looking for industry-type professions, you might consider looking at MikeRoweWorks.

Community colleges are a place to gain skills at a lesser cost than a four-year college.

There are two aspects to community colleges.

Some offer graduation in hands-on professions, such as welding, auto mechanics,  and computer graphics.

Some offer the initial lower level courses, also known as the basics or initial courses required for a four-year degree.  If the first two years are taken at a community college, it may be possible to save a lot of money compared to attending all four years at a larger college or university.

It is possible to save money if you have a wise strategy.

For someone planning on ultimately attending a four-year college, by completing the first two years at a community college, it may be possible to save a significant amount of money.

Another strategy to save money is to take dual credit courses in high school.   These courses count towards college credits.

Take dual credit courses in high school.  Take community college courses.  CLEP out where you can.  Mix up the strategies to do as much, get as far as you can concerning the degree you want for as little money as possible.  Some colleges now offer evaluations of life experience that can may turn into a certain number of credit hours.  You have to check with different educational institutions to find out whether they do this or not.    It is worth exploring the different possibilities to find a way that will work for your situation.

CLEP-ing out of tests is a possibility.  There are other tests besides the CLEP test as well.  You need to check with those colleges/universities you are considering to find out the possibilities that they offer.

Some universities offer the ability to create a degree where life experience counts.  You tailor the degree towards gaining the specific extra training you need.

Beyond saving money and getting through a college, it is important to pick the right college or university, not just in terms of a major, but also for character development.

In today’s world,  many secular colleges and universities teach things like marxism or  transgenderism.

If a student ends up in a class like that, or with a teacher of that ilk, it might not be possible to get a passing grade unless the student pleases the teacher with papers that harmonize with the teacher’s philosophy.

Students need to be able to live according to their conscience and not write papers contrary to their conscience.

Here are some Christian Colleges and Universities that offer many different majors.

The school below is a Bible College.  However, it does have partnerships with some four-year schools so it is possible to attend the Bible College, earn some credits, and then finish a four-year degree through certain schools in partnership with the Bible College.  Or, a person may go to the Bible College and then go on into the ministry.  It is important to check out what they have for more details rather than relying on this simple summary.  There are various pathways of study through this school, so check the details.

Something that is newer on the horizon is training through apprenticeships; this is an up-and-coming option. Apprenticeships or on-the-job training have been around before, but seem to be making a comeback.   Since this is something new that seems to be re-emerging, it is necessary to search and see where things currently stand in fields of interest.

The bottom line is that there may be more than one way to get the training you need for the field of work you desire to enter.



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Repost: Jonathan Cahn: Unveiling God’s Patterns of Work in Our History

Watch the video on YouTube.
It is 22:22, but worth taking the time to view it.






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Interested in Meteorology?

If your child is interested in meteorology, it is necessary to understand that the whole truth is not being told about the weather.

As with many professions in today’s environment, professionals come to a point where they have to decide whether to go with a lie to keep a paycheck or position, or tell the truth and risk losing both.

Go into professions with eyes wide open, aware of moral challenges and tests of character that may be ahead.

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